Thursday 15 December 2011

Pros and Cons

We're off to the Isle of Man tomorrow for a long stay (over two weeks!).  This has its pros and cons.  On the good side, we get to be in the Isle of Man for over two weeks!  Yay!  On the down side, I'm not taking my computer... so I won't be blogging/facebooking/messaging over Christmas.  Boo.  So don't expect any blog posts while we are away, but DO expect a load of exciting stories and pictures when we get back (the 2nd of January I think...).  And DO expect that this one will be epically long to make up for it.

And on that note I thought I would update everyone about what Finn's up to, but in a similar way.  Everything has its pros and cons - for every cloud there is a silver lining.  But equally, for every silver lining there is a cloud...

Firstly, it's Christmas!  And Finn got a couple Christmas gifts (though not many... he's only 10 weeks old!  It's not like he even notices!).  The first one came early, because we realised we really needed it.  Finn has officially outgrown his moses basket.  Sad, but true.  To the point that it is now gone - I put it back on Freecycle and passed it along to another pregnant lady.  For a while we used the pram part of his stroller (it comes off) but he flails his arms too much and it would wake him up.  So instead he was just sleeping on his cot mattress on the floor (a shame we never got any pictures of that - it looked so bizarre to have him sleeping on the floor!).  But then his/our Christmas gift from my parents arrived!  And he now has his very own "big boy" cot/crib (uk/us translation, hereby to only be referred to as a 'cot').  It's beautiful and I love it.  But it has its pros and cons.  But first, here he is! A proper baby in a proper cot!...
The cot.
Pros: I don't have to bend down to the floor anymore as it's nice and high up.  We don't have to worry about it being drafty as it's in a nice protected place.  It's very cute.
Cons: I have to acknowledge that he's not my tiny baby anymore. It takes up a big chunk of space (though added some under-cot storage we didn't previously have!).  It didn't solve the flailing arm problem...

Next up, the thing we lovingly refer to as "the green thing."  You can see it in the cot above.  Up close it looks like this:
yeah, yeah, this one is blue.  ours is green.

It's a "soothie" given to us by my sister when we were in America when I was complaining about Finn's constant desire to suck, and preference for fingers.  It doesn't have a back to it so you start out with your finger in there and he thinks he's sucking on that and eventually you can take your finger out and he doesn't notice.  It. Is. Genius.... mostly.
The Green Thing.
Pros: Finn loves it.  It calms him right down and helps him go to sleep.  I love it.  I'm not stuck there with my finger in his mouth (or any other parts of me that I prefer he didn't relentlessly suck on until he falls asleep).  It goes everywhere with us.
Cons: If I forget that it should go everywhere with us, and we end up somewhere without it, Finn gets a bit upset.  He now refuses my finger because he much prefers the green thing.  (oddly though, it doesn't work when James holds him.  If James has him, it still has to be his finger and if James tries the green thing Finn won't take it... strange).  I'm beginning to worry that I rely on it too much because it's just too easy!  And when Finn is tired and grumpy, I tend to take the easy way out!!  But the other problem is that he's starting to be a bit too old for it, and we should be moving on to a dummy/pacifier one that's more 'orthodontically shaped' to his mouth...  and we've tried.  Finn just chews on them and spits them out then complains until I give him back the green thing... siiiigh.

Now, speaking of falling asleep.  I mentioned that the cot hasn't stopped the flailing arms problem.  Basically, Finn is a very active baby.  He loves to kick and move about all the time. 
Active Baby
Pros: ummm... he seems to enjoy it?  It's really funny to watch him?  Sometimes he can entertain himself for ages if you take his socks off and give him various textured surfaces to kick (yes!  That is a pro!  Anything that keeps him entertained!)
Cons: he wakes himself up with his flailing.  When he wakes himself up at night, or when he's trying to fall asleep during the day, he can't relax unless you physically hold his arms down at his sides.  Immediately you see him start to drift off.  But you have to stay there until he's 'out' or the cycle starts all over again.  This is a big downside.  We tried swaddling him, but it didn't really work out - mainly because when he woke up to nurse, he really wanted his arms out.  For some reason he's in the habit of holding on to my clothes while he nurses.  It's pretty cute to be honest...

Luckily, James has discovered a solution.  It's sort of a 'half-swaddle.'  When we put Finn down to sleep, we lay him on top of a blanket.  When he wakes himself up with flailing arms, all we have to do is tuck the blanket around his arms and under his back so he can't move them, shush him briefly, and then he will go back to sleep happily and stay that way!  (Good work James!)

On the topic of being really active, I can show you Finn's second Christmas gift - putting him under the table with hanging toys wasn't quite cutting it, and we gave in and got him a play gym, which I LOVE.  It's very cute.  It's hard to find toys that are colourful yet still simple and attractive - most things are in your face with music and noises and colours that look like a crayon box threw up.  So when I found this subtly colourful play-gym I knew it was just right.  Each toy does make a noise of some kind but they are rattles and chimes and not at all irritating.  I love it and Finn can happily kick about looking at things for ages.... so...
Play Gym
Pros: It's fantastic
Cons: Other than the space issue (and actually it folds up and fits nicely behind the couch when it's not out...) I can't think of anything...
And here's a video of him in it for the first time:

Next topic is the fact that he LOVES to 'talk' and coo.  I think this is my favourite new development because the noises that he makes are so brilliant. but...
Pros: He is so funny and he loves to do it!  His favourite game is to have a goo-conversation...
Cons: He wants to talk to you (and you to talk to him) ALL the TIME.  Even when he's happily under the play gym, he wants you to keep talking with him.  (He's currently facing me in his bouncy chair and we are goo-ing as I type).  It's exhausting, and I must admit - the lack of conversational range can be rather tedious at times... an hour of back and forth goos and gaas gets pretty boring for the grown-ups among us! Here's an example:

But, still, as boring as it is sometimes, it's so fun to watch him learn.  Especially when he tries out a new sound.  This one is from when we were working on aaahhh... a couple times he would get the noise out, but mostly he would just get his mouth in the right shape, and try VERY hard (legs and all) to make the noise but failing.  So funny!

Part of this conversation stuff is the fact that he is very engaged.  Which I mean to say that he loves to look at stuff, talk to you, be entertained etc.  This in and of itself has its pros and cons...
Being engaged by the world
Pros: Obviously it means he is growing into a highly advanced, extremely intelligent, wise-beyond-his-years, super genius baby (obviously)
Cons: he gets bored very easily and wants to see new things.  This is difficult in our tiny flat and 'entertaining him' can be exhausting.  I hate to imagine the people who live next door to us listening through the wall... I've developed a complete song and dance number entitled "did you just poop your pants?!"
The easiest way is to see new things is to go outside and see the world... but shops won't cut it (he will be perfectly happy on a walk and start crying the minute you dare to step inside a store or cafe) and it is COLD outside!
On another pro though - it means he can work up some pretty bizarre facial expressions... I call this one "OH!  The HORROR of it all!"

And speaking of facial expressions, his overall supreme intelligence means I'm starting to notice his ability to manipulate situations in his favour...
If he wants something and I'm not giving it to him straight away he will start shouting at me.  (Usually this is an "I'm bored - entertain me!  Do that poopy pants dance thing again! NOW!"  They are loud sharp cries that have recently added on a GAH noise.  Truly shouting (I can't help but laugh at them).  This doesn't usually work though because I can easily ignore a shout.  So after he's tried that for a while to no avail, he switches to the "sad" face/cry.  I give in instantly every time thinking I've somehow failed as a parent by not giving him what he wants to such an extent that I've made him truly sad (only to get a smile and a giggle as soon as I've given in).  Obviously he's just learning to get his way...
But seriously, I dare ANY of you to try and resist the sad face.
Don't believe me?
Here it is:

Told you so!

So I leave everyone with this thought:
Finn wants you to have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
So you better do it... you wouldn't want to make him sad, would you?!
Lots of Love to you all!!!

Monday 5 December 2011

Just a quick one...

Guess what finally fits Finn!!!
The 'little' top that I made for him before he was born can now officially be incorporated into his repertoire.
Here it is:

And so, in honour of that (and because I didn't really like the other one) we've retaken his two months old picture.  Here they are again, side by side:
One Month Old
Two Months Old

Lastly, here is a series of three pictures that tell a funny story-of-facial-expression.  Enjoy!

Thursday 1 December 2011

2 months old!

Hi all!

So we're back from our wonderful trip to America now!
Finn was a breeze on the flights (he slept all the way through them) but has had a meltdown of jetlag since we've been home - his "long sleep" happening in the middle of the day and nighttimes being a mess of awake/crying/unhappiness.
Each day his time shifts a little bit more back to where it's meant to be, but James and I were truly exhausted.
Enter Gramma Yvonne!  She's come to help us out for a couple days including taking over the enter night shift last night.  I actually got a full stretch of seven hours sleep!  Amazing!
We're so so thankful for her being here.  She's currently got Finn out on a walk.  Which is a) a bit weird to have a quiet house without him but b) the perfect opportunity for a bit of quiet relaxation... but I wanted to update everyone on Finn... so as a compromise I'm going to do lots of pictures and very little writing!
Though, seeing as Finn is the cutest thing ever, I'm sure there won't be many complaints :o)

Firstly, he is now 8 weeks old!!  Two whole months!  Here are some side by side update pictures:
1 Month old
2 Months old

Secondly, he had his checkup today (12 lbs 10 oz!)

Lastly, here's what we did in America:
We met lots of new people:
Auntie Casey
Great Grandma
Great Grandpa

We took baths on the counter:

Cousin Dakota loved helping!!

We took walks in our new cozy bear outfit:

We went to Thanksgiving:

 And we took some family pictures:

We had a FANTASTIC time!!