Wednesday 30 May 2012

Beach Baby

Hello everyone!
Firstly, apologies for letting a whole week go by without putting up the brilliant pictures that I promised (it's been even longer since I started this post!  Sorry!).  It's been one of those weeks that feels so so busy and then you look back and can't understand why because nothing seemed to get done... I did put some pictures up on facebook though, and I'm going to try not to duplicate them here - but if you haven't seen my facebook album, you can link to it here after you read the blog for just a few more pics: Antigua Album

But anyway!  Antigua!  The beach!  Finn in a bathing suit (or swimming costume as it's called here)!

Before I get to the pictures, I will just say that it was a fantastic trip.  It was very hot and humid but so lovely to get to hang out with so much of James' family.  And I really liked the beach and our little paradise - except for the sand.  Sand is... well... I best not put into words how I felt about sand by the end of the trip... this is a family blog after all.  Finn likes it though:

So what did we get up to?
Well Finn handled the flights well, as always.  It's a bit harder now that he wants to be rolling about but we were able to distract/entertain for the most part without any meltdowns.

And the overnight flight back he actually slept!  I don't know how, with the time difference and everything - but it meant that he was a lot less jet-lagged on return as James and I were! He was certainly on the wrong time when we got there though - so James and I (and then just James while I slept) got to see lots of Caribbean sunrises!

Finn loved all things to do with the water, splashing especially.  

The heat meant that he slept a LOT (which I was totally ok with)... so here are a series of pictures of Finn asleep in different places...

There were lots of fun activities to do like sailing, kayaking, ping pong etc. These two pictures are of Oliver and I in a kayak.

And we all had fun, even when it rained. Here are Finn's cousins having a blast.  Including Cousin Jake who I hear is a big fan of the blog!  Hi Jake!

And when it did rain, it was a very quick downpour that dumped loads of water and then was done.  This was no big deal - you were usually already wet, and the rain was lovely and cooling.  There was only once that it was a problem...
Most of the restaurants there were open air at the sides with a roof over top, including the tiered place where the wedding reception was held.  During dinner, Finn fell asleep so we laid him down on some towels on the next tier down (so he was away from the noise but we could keep him in view while we ate).  About 30 minutes later the skies opened up with a torrential downpour - at which point we realised that the lower tier was NOT under a roof.  You've never seen two people leap from a table faster.  We ran to get him but by the time we got to him he was a) awake b) wet and c) ANGRY.  He calmed down very quickly but was not about to fall asleep again.  And obviously word got round the reception (as you would expect when two people run out at the first sound of rain) that we were the couple who left the baby in the rain.  OOOOOOOPS :)

We took a trip out to see a bit more of Antigua than the resort - it was pretty cool (though, again, very hot!).

And of course there was the wedding which was gorgeous! As were all of us :)

It was also my birthday, and James gave me an amazing present.  Remember my old blog Bump and Beyond ? Well James spent ages copying, pasting, formatting, adjusting etc and had it printed out in a book!  It's incredible!  I love holding it - it may be the only copy but it makes me feel like a proper published author :) I love the internet and all, but there's something very satisfying about holding all your words in your hand in the form of a hefty hardcover. And over the holiday I re-read the whole thing.  I haven't looked back on it much since Finn was born so it was really interesting to go through it all again.  Anyway, it is fantastic and I will treasure it for a long time.  Here're a few pics:

I think that's all the description of the trip... but there are still a few pictures of Finn that I LOVE.  So I'll just stick them all here if that's alright.  And if you want more, don't forget to have a look at the album link above.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

7 months old!

As of May 2nd, Finn is now 7 months old!
So I thought it was time for a general update post.

Firstly, here is his new picture next to last month's. Every month I take the picture I don't think he's changed that much. And then I see them side-by-side and I'm amazed. So here they are:
6 months old
7 months old

He currently weighs:
8.5 kilos
or 18 lbs 11 oz
or 1 stone 4 lbs
depending on your preference.
I simply go with 'heavy'
as always this is smack bang on the line for 50th percentile.

His length has caught up a bit and levelled out to 67.5 cm (26.5 inches) which is 25th percentile.  Most importantly, he now looks a lot more in proportion.
Here he is in the new 'formal wear' I made for him:

He rolls all over the place and is getting very good at getting where he wants to go, sometimes by 'creeping' (which I'm told is the official term for being on your tummy and using your arms to turn/pull/otherwise move about... I think it's a funny term though!).  Usually this is used to get himself into places he shouldn't be...

He can also (finally!) sit up unsupported.. though he does still need you (or pillows) right next to him as he's very unsteady....

(This is him in an AWFUL hat that I made for him, but that James seems to like making him wear... probably just to make me cringe in shame... but the "things-I've-made" post, fails and otherwise, is for another time...)

What else?
He's got 3 teeth fully now and his 4th is S.L.O.W.L.Y. making it's way through - just in time for our transatlantic flight on Saturday. Fun.
I'm loving his current snaggle-tooth look though - hilarious.

His eyes are still beautifully blue, and his hair is sometimes dark, sometimes blond and sometimes red

(and his grin is still cheeky and infectious!)

I should explain all the naked shots... something he ate gave him a nasty nappy rash so we cranked the heat up and spent a couple days keeping Finn naked/nappy-free as much as possible.  Had to wash a few blankets/scrub some carpet spots but the rash disappeared super quick.

So what does he like and what does he like to do?
Well he obviously still loves 'his' bowl... it's definitely HIS bowl now.
He also loves things that make noise.  He's got a piano thing that I should get a video of him playing with because it's quite cute. He can also listen to James play guitar for ages, though every now and then he wants to have a go himself.  And the radio is a winner. But really anything that makes noise is fun.

 I think this is also why he loves the laptop so much.  If I'm trying to get something done, I will play him a music video on youtube and he will watch that while I'm working... most of the time... sometimes his 'Baby Smash' mode kicks in.

He also really likes STUFF.  He loves to hold new things and look at them.  Currently he's gotten into seeing what happens when you play with two things at once - bang one against the other etc.  Or, he likes to get a toy then roll under the coffee table and scrape it along the underside to see what noise it makes.  So we've got a box of "stuff" for him that we will scatter around the living room and he rolls around and sees what he can find.  He loves it because it's fun and I love it because it is SO easy!

SIDE NOTE: I just realised how many of these pictures are Finn in his pajamas!  That's because we take a lot of pictures in natural light and that happens to be best in the morning... just thought I would clarify and reassure that Finn does have real clothes that he wears... sometimes... when I can be bothered... :)

That's all I can really think of at the moment... give me a comment if I've forgotten something.  I haven't mentioned sleep because that's a WHOLE other post!

I guess I'll finish with my current two favourite things that he does -
1) when he's eating something he enjoys he wiggles his feet up and down
2) he laughs at himself after he burps

We're all off to Antigua ( ) for an exciting beach holiday on Saturday so you won't hear from me for a little over a week - but when we get back I will have LOADS of pictures to share, I'm sure - including Finn in his brand new fantastic swimsuit :o)

Till then!