Tuesday 22 April 2014

The second line

Hi all.
Apparently the last post wasn't exactly 'clear' as to whether or not Mouse actually saw a second line (a bit like Groundhog Day though with slightly more serious ramifications I suppose).

So I thought I would clear it up.
Yes. There were two lines. The second one may have been hard to see but it was there.  And just to make sure I took another test the following day. And another the day after that. And another one a week later just to be, you know, SURE.
(no seriously - this is not the sort of thing that you can live with 'maybe' for long):

And we're sure.  There is indeed another baby.  Which is clearly massively exciting and terrifying in equal measure! We're due in late October (24th), though I imagine that will actually result in early November.

Just to clear up any lingering uncertainty, here are some pictures of the actual, real life, baby from our scan last week:

This scan experience was entirely unlike the one we had for Finn  (which you can read about here) . The woman couldn't immediately find the baby and when she did it wasn't moving.  Unbeknownst to us, the very first thing she did was check for a heartbeat, which she'd found, but didn't mention until I finally asked if everything was ok. She was surprised that we seemed worried and was said "of course" which still didn't quite cut it for me until it woke up and I saw it move for myself.  It didn't move around too much though (Finn was jumping and flailing at this point) and was in the most awkward position for scanning (said both the woman and the man who eventually took over to see if he could do it).  It involved quite a bit of fairly painful pushings and squeezings to get the measurements they needed, which in the end they did though it took an extremely long time. At various intervals I was instructed to shake, twist, rock and otherwise try to get it to shift, but to no avail. This thing was staying still and staying put. The movement we did see was very subtle and slow.  Nothing like Finn.  But maybe it was just that day.  Or maybe me and my ribs will get a bit of a break this time around.

Though the possibility of a smooth and calm pregnancy is already not proving the case.  That is the other thing that has been different this time around.  I was barely sick at all with Finn.  Nothing for a long time and then, when it started, it was over after a couple weeks.  Not so this time.  I started feeling nauseous nearly immediately and began throwing up at about 5 weeks.  Thus began six weeks of vomiting once or twice a day every single day. The first was predictable and would come right before I left for work but the second was random. On the bus, in the bushes at the park, in the middle of a meeting - it would just hit me. I had to carry plastic sick bags with me everywhere I went. Absolutely horrendous.  I just felt so awful.  And exhausted.  Unable to stay awake past 9:00, often in bed by 8:00, literally couldn't keep my eyes open.  But I'm now 13 weeks along and coming up to the second trimester and things are so so so much better. I haven't been physically sick in about a week and have more energy.  Even the nausea is easy enough to keep at bay and some days is gone completely.  And I am so thankful. I really didn't know how easy I had it with Finn, because this was so much worse.

Finn was quite funny through it all.  At first he was really concerned that I kept "coughing in the toilet" and told me that it wasn't nice and that I should stop. Then he was just curious and would follow me in to the bathroom and ask questions while I was at it. Then get impatient and say I was 'all done' and try to pull me away.  And a couple times he even had a go himself.  I told him it was time to go and he said 'just a minute' then ran to the bathroom and pretended to cough into the toilet a few times and then came back and said 'ready!'  Which I had a great laugh over (probably why he then did it again a couple days later).  The things kids pick up on...

I've also gotten a bump a LOT quicker than Finn. It seems my belly has just gone "oh, you're pregnant? I'll just relax all the muscles then and BOOM there it all is for the world to see." I'm probably about as big now as I was with Finn at 18 weeks. But I'm ok with that. Hopefully it's not just me that sees it as a baby bump - perhaps to the outside world I just look like I had a LOT of pies.

So yeah, that's the most of it - new baby! Exciting! I'm sure the subject will come up a few times more in the monthly updates but that's the big news of it all up until now :)

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Extra, extra, read all about it!

Some things I forgot to mention about Finn:

He calls caterpillars caterpillows.

He recently showed us how proud he was to have coloured all the birds in the little book that he found.  That book happened to be his passport.

He insists that his toy animals do things like read books, play games, talk on the phone etc.  It is often that we hear 'rabbit do it!' or 'hedgehog do it!' or this special video exclusive for you lovely blog readers where mouse features at the end.
It was taken quite a few weeks ago (when I had a really heavy cold... sorry) but is a good video nonetheless!

Friday 4 April 2014

30 months old

As of yesterday, Finn is now 30 months old (I know! A blog post on time! shocking)
Here are his pictures side by side:
29 months old
30 months old

He is now 86.5 cm tall and seems normal to me, even though I often have strangers telling me how 'tiny' he is.  Including one recent woman who said
 "Wow, he's really good at talking isn't he? Really advanced. How old is he?"
 "Two and a half"
 "WHAT?! He's TINY! I thought he was about 18 months or something. He's so small!  Was he a preemie or something?  Wow."
Thanks random woman, thanks.

But anyway! As I said, he seems a bit short and bald but not that far off normal. He's in the right size clothing... whatever random strangers - he's just fine.

I can't think of many interesting exciting things to cherish about Finn this month.  Only one - that he has taken (out of nowhere, literally we have no context for why he says this) to calling one particular cup of his the "chatter chatter cup"  Not a clue why.  When we ask him if he wants some water he says "yes, in the chatter chatter cup."  Strange.  It looks like this:
the blue one...
Very bizarre.
So to make up for a lack of interesting things to talk about, here is a video of Finn dancing while he eats some banana (and I write out a shopping list):

So what sort of things did we get up to in March, I hear you ask!  Well! Here come a whole bunch of pictures.
The weather has been FANTASTIC so we went to parks.  A LOT.

check out that hair!!

I wasn't feeling very well, so I was resting on the bench while James and Finn played - and then Finn came up to join me for a quick cuddle.  Then was back to playing :)

This is another park - it has a great big car to play on. Finn LOVES it, obviously.

We also went to a very cool place called the Discover Centre which Finn really enjoyed - lots of stuff just for kids to explore and be creative...

AND they have a big outdoor bit with a car ("Not a car, Mama - a TAXI")

And the wheel just kept breaking! But don't worry, Finn could fix it...

And James took him to the Southbank to roam around for a bit on a day when I had a doctor's appointment and really preferred to go on my own!

But we didn't just go to parks on our own - we joined our friends.
Including Lily.  I tried to get the two of them to sit on the bench and smile for me but they have so much fun together it was impossible.  Here are some of the attempts:

We also went to another park with 'baby Emin' as he's called by Finn.  We went into the greenhouse though because it was actually a little bit chilly that day...

Finn was playing a strange version of peekaboo here... but it mostly consisted of him putting my scarf on his head and saying "where's Finn" repeatedly, without any peeking or booing... I think Emin was a bit baffled.

And of course we had to visit with Finn's other great friend Lily.  This time it was at an art workshop that James got to take part in while I entertained Finn and Lily.  The idea was that we ALL take part in it and do some art but the two of them just wanted to run around playing. And somehow I drew the short straw. I still don't quite know how that happened...

I think this picture is pretty funny! The look on both of their faces is priceless. 
It was in the basement of a coffee shop though, so after it finished it was James' turn to look after them while I relaxed with a super spicy hot chocolate with chilli and they had some cups of milk.

We did do some indoor stuff in the house as well.  Like playing music...

Including Finn's new favourite musical game.  First you put together the puzzle with all the farm animals on it. Then he and James get their guitars and the march around the puzzle singing Old MacDonald using the animals they see as inspiration.  I should point out that this entire thing was Finn's idea.  The first time he was trying to show James what to do I was dying of laughter.  But it's great fun in the end, so I think he's come up with a winner!

(I especially love that he corrects James' pig noise... hehehe)

And of course we've done plenty of reading.  Here is Finn reading aloud from his Peppa Pig book.  It sounds oddly like the Wheels on the Bus... but clearly it can't be because he's following along the words with his finger :)
He does get the 'scrub, scrub, scrub' bit right though - clearly we've read this book a lot!

And on that note, I will leave you until next time!