Wednesday 29 November 2017

July: Before America

July brought the great milestones of finishing school and heading off on holiday to America, but in this post we'll just speak about everything up until our getting on that plane for Ohio...

At the start of July Cori went off for a few days' work in London, leaving me to look after Orry as Finn was still at school. Orry and I coped quite well:

However, as the afternoon nap ended up being an afternoon rest-time, which looked much like this:

I had suspected for some time that there wasn't a day-time nap in him anymore. Not that he doesn't benefit from it, and not that he doesn't zonk out every early afternoon car drive; but he doesn't have enough tiredness to get over the hump of resistance anymore when at home. So, instead of struggling through it and making of misery of everything, we're now beginning not to fight for it at all. And, besides the later-on grumpiness from Orry, we're all better for it.

Unfortunately, Cori's time away meant that she missed Tynwald Day. It is, of course, a big deal in the Island, and, since Finn's school faces Tynwald Hill, we'd seen it taking shape for weeks leading into it:

On the day I had to be in work, sadly, as it was a great day. Everyone was at St. John's and Finn and Orry had a wonderful and busy time seeing all that was to be seen at their Fair with Granny. When they called in to see us in the afternoon, Finn and Orry were very excited and full of stories of what they had seen, and Granny was just tired! Unfortunately, she still had hours after that until I was to be free from work! Sadly, I don't have any pictures of everyone at the Fair (as I was in work), but here are Finn and Orry, and Finn's friend from school, taking a sneak preview of what was revealed at more work on Tynwald Day - as a hint at the fun on offer:

We kept Cori updated as to what she'd missed out on by being in London, by sending her this fascinating video, conceived and directed by Finn, of the bike he had won at the Fair:

Since Finn's school-mate appeared in that Tynwald-related picture, we might as well show Finn and him again, this time with Finn modelling his new wet-suit on the beach at Peel.

Orry got one too, and also looks rather fantastic:

The progress into summer was obvious by the time we spent on the beach, and also by things like...
... the mobs of ravenous ducks even climbing over our feet and snapping at our hands as we fed them (I had to pick Orry up when I went with him, as he was rather frightened by them all):

... And also the handsome progress of the boys' sunflowers:

... And the development of the baby pigeons in their (rather precarious) nest in the house across the street from us:

The weather also encouraged more trips to the Wildlife Park. The place near Ballaugh is great, with lots of good animals and the like, but they also have a great array of play areas, inside and out. Trips now tend more towards the play than the animals, but we guess that it's still a good day out regardless:

Talking of trips north, we enjoyed a few trips to Ramsey, such as our first trip to the Grove Museum, when we timed it with the appearance of an olden-days car...

... to the Mooragh Park, where we had the rare treat of going out on the lake & exploring the island in the middle with the cousins...

... to the free rides at some special event at the Mooragh Park:

Finn loved the Ferris Wheel, but Orry hated every moment of it and sat there almost crying throughout. But Finn was nice and help his hand to help him, as he waved furiously to us with his other hand.

In the midst of the chaos and disorder that Orry wilfully and carelessly creates all around him, he continues his fine attention to order about some things:

It's a shame that this can't be redirected to a desire in him to put things away after use!
Never mind. Here's a picture of him with a mini steel drum for a hat:

A surprise to us all was our managing to have a pleasant day out on a walk with Finn. He has been fighting the very idea of a walk for months, immediately asking about any activity on the weekend whether it involves walking. But we worked out that it was mostly a hang-up about walking up Cronk ny Arrey Laa in the wind a few months back and getting cold. So we convinced him that a walk to Lag ny Keeilley wouldn't be windy as it wasn't up a hill. He was suspicious but accepted it. But once we were waking, he really enjoyed it:

In fact, it was a very long way and tiring for all of us, but we narrowly avoided Finn complaining, thanks to the good weather and also the handful of cards of things we wanted to spot: a bird, a sheep etc., and, most excitingly for Finn, danger. The danger was, perhaps obviously, the steep cliffs we were walking along, but the ferns had changed the frightening drop into nothing too dangerous since the last time I'd been there (before the ferns had sprung up). Indeed, perhaps helped by his smaller height, Orry took it as a big joke to fall off the path into the ferns constantly:

He was carried on the way back, whether he liked it or not!

A great day out was had by everyone, even if we did have to pick tics off him aplenty by the time we got home!

Here is a video quiz to break things up a bit:
What is the well-known phrase which the Finn & Orry band are performing here...?

Any idea?
... Well, here's Finn with the answer:

We have no idea what that is all about. It was just Finn's idea of something we should put "on the internet" one Saturday morning, as you do!

The wooden train track hasn't been used over the recent months, but it is beginning to come out again, although Finn's excitement over it has waned. Now it is more Orry who enjoys it. But, for him, he just wants a track of a metre or so long. So all of this sort of thing is a waste...

With any sort of clever connection, here is how Cori found Finn & Orry after she returned from the toilet before their bedtime stories - it was almost as if they didn't need her at all!

One of the big things in the Manx cultural calendar is the Celtic music festival held in Peel year year. Cori volunteered to help out at the evening events this year, which meant that she got into the thick of things. It also meant that Orry was able to tag along to some of the daytime events, and also to pick up some excellent Irish dancing which he had seen at the House of Manannan:

Orry's excellent dance skills also show up in his happy taking up of the Manx dancing which Finn is still going to and refusing to join in on (and yet still wanting to go back, with a fight, each week, infuriatingly!). Here is Orry's excellent impersonation of the 'Nur jin shen!' / 'Don't do that!' part of one of the kids' beginners' dances:

After only a few weeks of July, Finn's first year at school drew to a close, and he was done for the summer. To mark the occasion, here he is on his first and last day of the year:

The final thing in the school's year is the big summer show. This year it was Snow White, or, as it is in Manx, Sniaghtey Bane:

The show was brilliant and Finn, like every other child in the school, was in it. He was one of the scary woodland beasts who Sniaghtey Bane was frightened of when caste out into the woods. With the rest of his class, Finn did a fantastic job at singing and dancing in front of everyone, even if he did wave to everyone he knew constantly!
Orry was allowed only to the Pre-school performance, so on the Tuesday night (on Finn's third performance of the sell-out show), he and I were left to fend for ourselves after we'd dropped off Finn at the hall. Happily a ball to throw around and lovely weather in St. John's made this a very easy and pleasant task:

Because we deliberately booked flights off for our American trip as soon as possible after the end of school, the only thing after this that we did was pack, and trip out to get our on-flight magazines... which meant a pleasant walk around town which looked like this:

And, after that, it was up early and off on our grand trip to America...!

June #2: Northern Ireland and an almost-driving-test

After the TT in June came lots of almost-sort-of-summer things, such as spending more time on the beach at Peel:

But, typical to Orry, things get out of hand...

And, if you were wondering, this is how it gets out of hand:

Rather bewilderingly, this is something which Orry now does every time he gets on the sand. He bends down and shovels the sand around with his head and face. There's nothing that we can do about it, as frustrating as it is - as with so much with Orry, we sit back uselessly and admire Orry's wilful naughtiness!

Trips to the seaside took a new turn in June, and Orry's life changed forever: the local ice cream shop started to stock coconut milk ice cream. So it was that for the first time in Orry's life, he was able to have more than just his "ice cream" (the cone only) and had the white thing on top too! It was very touching to see how excited Orry was - not in a showy way, but in a inner glow of happiness and joy - he was obviously felt very privileged and special to be allow to ice too this time. And he loved it!

Finn liked the special trip to the ice cream shop too!

Finn, seemingly like most of Peel, was very excited by the appearance of a 'Pirate Ship' a the harbour. Cori heard about the Russian ship and thought to go and take a look. They were delighted to find that they were allowed on to take a good look, which was very exciting for everyone.

Orry continues to be a lovely smart little fella, often surprising us in what he decides to do and what he can do. We will often find Orry gone quiet and working on something - frequently patterns or constructions like this beautiful thing:

This same sort of thing is also in something like his making this pattern on the floor (even though he ends up baffling us all by what he was actually hoping to create):

However, Orry's general cleverness does have its drawbacks, such as his finding that heap of toys you've been stockpiling in a hidden place for use as future gifts:

It also means that his fine problem-solving skills makes the stool a good tool for being naughty...

With this new-found tool/trick of Orry's, we were plagued for about a week or so by the trail of one-bite-taken fruit sneaked from the fruit bowl:

Very annoying!

The second half of June was dominated by a trip to Northern Ireland, but before getting onto that, here are some quick notes on things we got up to...

A trip to Laxey:

Admiring our friend Becky doing the Parish Walk from the comfort of our front room window (here she is completing her walk to Peel from Douglas via the Southern Parishes, with her daughter joining her to steal the admiration!):

A post-school trip stroll in the Arboretum searching for the Gruffalo characters:

Carnage in the playroom when they're in a reckless mood and we let them play by themselves for a while:

The beginning to flourish of the plants potted outside our door, including some sunflowers which are leading the way:

Finding a Manx cat to chase around town, and even through a pipe:

Enjoying the tea set at the latest This is Summer exhibition at the House of Manannan:

Testing out the colouring section of the exhibition we've been working on getting ready to open to the public:

Playing in the Boat & Balls, even when it means that you're unable to possibly come to eat breakfast!

Admiring the seagull babies growing up into little balls of fluff on the roofs of the houses around us:

But, Northern Ireland!
With the prospect of going to America in the Summer for Uncle Matt's wedding, we were faced with the prospect of having to get a new American passport for Finn. (Children's passports last for five years, we got Finn's when he was about two days old, and American Citizens are required to enter the US on their US passports). We had to visit a US Consulate to get it done, and we had the choice of either London or Belfast, so we went with the one we didn't know.
To keep costs down, we went by boat (which was very exciting for Finn and Orry)...

... which meant that we were at the mercy of the boat's timings, which meant that we had to be in Northern Ireland for about four or so days around the appointment. So we had a very pleasant holiday, including...
... Excellent Museums in Belfast:

We thought the Ulster Museum was excellent, but the boys most enjoyed the Titanic Museum. This was especially so for Finn, as he so enjoyed the ride around the docks in the train-thing:

... And we also hired a car for the day and drove up to see the Giant's Causeway, which Finn was excited to see, having read about Finn McCooil and the formation of the causeway so much:

And, whilst in the car, we detoured to see something from Cori's liked TV show, Game of Thrones, which was also just a lovely site:

... Although, we should really admit that it mainly looked more like this with swarms of tourists there, for the same reason as we were!

All in all, a lovely trip (and, incidentally, our first holiday since moving to the Isle of Man):

The other major event for June would have been Cori's driving test...
Lots of practising had gone into learning to drive smoothly on Manx roads with the automatic car, including some work in the carpark in St. John's:

This was all leading up to this moment - Cori in the car with the instructor about to set off on her test (and us inside admiring it all on the TV screens!):

... However, it was at this point that we discovered that our insurance forms for the car had the wrong number plate on, and so the tester was unable to carry out the test, and Cori returned crestfallen to us all. It was a big shame, especially as she had built herself up for it all and was hopeful of passing and having it all done with. However, it did mean that we were able to go and have a cup of tea and our packed lunch at the horse tram terminus, which was at least nice for the boys!

And, as the sun sets on this blog update, here is a sunset as seen from our windows in June: