Sunday 18 August 2013

22 months old

So!  On to July!
I'm going to do a whole post about the flat (befores and afters etc), so I'll skip that for the time being.  Instead here's what Finn got up to in July.  But first, his pictures side-by-side:
21 Months Old
22 Months Old

Now there are going to be a LOT of pictures and video, so I might keep the writing to a minimum.

Although I will do one on the flat, here are lots of flat-related Finn ones.
Our very first dinner in the flat (before properly moving in) and our very first consequences and then our actually properly first dinner in our new flat that we were all moved into!

A great pair of pictures of hanging out on the kitchen floor.

One of his favourite things about the new flat is the corridor - our old place was entirely carpeted.  Now, he has room to push things around... including our kitchen trolley that he had never even noticed before, and now we can't keep it anywhere near where it is meant to be!

He also loves the corridor for another reasons - he will put buttons on the floor and step on them (with his chubby sweaty feet) until they stick.  Then clip-clop down the corridor.  It's hilarious!!

Finn is also greatly enjoying the vast amounts of DIY we've been doing.  He knows the word "tool" and will excitedly get his tools to help out on whatever we're doing.  His tools basically consist of a bunch of allen keys and an interchangeable screwdriver that I can take the pointy bit out if I need to.  He is surprisingly good though!  His dexterity is incredible and he watches so carefully so he can perfectly mimic what is happening.  I love the fact that it is something he and I do together.  Although James does a bit, he doesn't enjoy it like I do.  So as boyish as tools are for a little boy, Finn likes them because he wants to be like his mama - which makes me very happy!

In addition to helping me build things, he also likes to help me clean. His favourite being the vacuum cleaner. We have such a love/hate relationship with the vacuum... it's currently in the begging-for-more love stage!

He also desperately loves our window.  We weren't really intending to put the couch in front of the window, but now we can't move it because he spends so much time there.  There are all sort of amazing things out there - buses, cars, birds, airplanes, bikes, people, dogs, etc etc.  It's sometimes hard to keep him away -

Other stuff he loves:
Finn loves his hat (I think I mentioned that in the last one).  Here is a particularly good outfit that emphasizes the super hot temperature, with the completely inappropriate headgear.

Because it has been so hot lately, Finn has been really enjoying the nearby water play areas.... Though he doesn't ever want to put down whatever wheeled vehicle he's currently enjoying.

He loves his cars and things so much, it's hard to get him to put them down! And one of his favourite things to do is to get them all out and line them up in a row.  Again, very strange, but hilarious!

One of his other favourite things to do is to pretend to go to sleep.  Get into bed, blankets on, shushing, singing etc etc - but no sleeping is involved of course - only giggling and laughing.  What really gets me, though, is sometimes this is the first thing he wants to do in the morning.  So he wakes me up very early in the morning so that we can pretend to go to sleep.  On a regular basis. It is slightly less humorous at that point. 


And finally, one of his other bizarre enjoyments is to clean his ears.  I know, odd.  He's always loved playing with the 'beepbeep' - otherwise known as the ear thermometer (which is nice because when he's sick it not only takes his temperature, but calms him down and cheers him up!).  But now, it's worse.  He saw James clean his ears with a Q-tip (UK translation: cotton bud) and we now have to hide them.  Because if he finds them he takes them by the handful and comes into the room like this:

What a strange child.

I will leave you now, and I will leave you with a funny picture and an excellent video of Finn dancing.  It is excellent indeed.

Until next time!!


We forgot the video for June!
Here it is; Finn learning to be polite, sort of (though we suspect that he sees it just as a magic word to get what he wants!):

It's more "weeze"/"tease"/"knees" than "please", but it's close enough.

Thursday 15 August 2013

21 months old!

So June was Finn's 21st month.
What did we do in June? Well, to be honest, I barely remember - it has been an intense time of packing and moving and unpacking etc.
 But all the new flat pictures will be a blog of their own. (which I'm saving for when we... ahem... finish unpacking...) So here are some pictures of what we did in June!
But first, here are Finn's pictures side by side:
20 months old
21 months old

And now for other important things... I went to a jumble sale and found a fabulous new jumper for Finn! It was hand knitted and amazingly-not-quite-beautiful.He wore it on our trip to Coram Fields - an excellent play space in London ( where we had an excellent (if far too long for parental comfort) time.

Another firm favourite is the Transport museum, which is enjoyed best jointly with his lovely mate Elliot. I have to admit - although it's a well known fact that I'm into museums (being my job and all), the Transport Museum is a stretch for even my interest.  There are buses and trains and... well... busses and trains.  IE: right up Finn's alley.  Luckily, I get in for free because of my job (London museum's are good to one another) because Finn LOVES this place (did I mention the busses and trains?).

Finn does love his cars though!

He also loves his hat
Even though it has been so so super hot lately, he still insists on his hat.

Other than that June was all about moving.
Here is us taking our first lot of stuff over:

And here is Finn with the keys.

Other than that, I'll see you in 'July'