Monday 26 January 2015

More from November (0 - 1 and 37 - 38 months old!)

Cori here, for my quick installation on the updates. Firstly I wanted to get the monthly shots up here! And then I'll get to the November/December updates...
Then James can talk about our trip to the Isle of Man in November and I'll talk about Ohio for Christmas... followed swiftly by the January update and then we'll be up-to-date! phew! (and to think that Finn's baby blog was weekly!!! I thought I was busy then - I knew nothing about busy!)

Finn first:
37 months old
38 months old

And Orry:
0 months old
1 month old

You can see in this photo how bad his cradle cap was and how awfully crusty his eyebrows got. His head got it even worse...

But then, thankfully it got much better, though his hair did fall out... It's growing back now and the cradle cap got much much better for a time, though it is getting worse again... Really really gross for a while though! And a bit embarrassing when people saw him for the first time - luckily it's cold enough that he could legitimately wear a hat :)

But I'm getting ahead of myself!

There's so much I haven't said about the beginning of life with Orry that I don't know where to start.
So I think first, I'll get a couple random things out of the way and then see where I am.

In James' update he mentioned that Finn really likes using the camera to take pictures and pose us all and that sort of thing. But James didn't include one of my favourite pictures from Finn. One where he gave me the camera and told me exactly where to stand and what he was going to do and then shouted when it was time for me to take the picture... it is clearly a work of exquisite art!

Clearly he has an inherent talent that's just waiting to come out...

Next was one of my favourites from the newborn photoshoot. Finn really wanted to get in on the photo taking action and because Orry had his clothes off, Finn had to take his off too. There are some funny ones of Finn trying to replicate Orry's poses but, as he's naked in them, I won't post them. I will share one of him just sitting still because I like it - and put it next to one of James from when he was three. I wonder who he takes after?!

And speaking of Finn, I have a video to share. I think we've mentioned a few times about Finn's propensity to tell stories and be creative. Well James managed to get a bit of a story on video when he was walking Finn home from nursery. Finn started randomly talking about rescuing penguins and James grabbed his phone to get the rest... the sound goes in and out (and Finn is rather hard to understand by people who aren't used to him) so click on the "cc" button to see the subtitles - and I've written up the transcript after ..

James: Are you going to get off your bike to go and rescue some penguins?
Finn: Right. Some penguins are stuck in the bush. That’s funny, let’s go rescue them out the bush… Come out the bush, out the – I’m telling them to get their, the, the cars out.
J: Yeah, are you going to get the penguin cars out?
F: Cars out, cars out – This is their cars out! Look, that’s not a car, silly leaf (J: oh yeah, it’s a leaf) Some cars! (J: oh yeah!) For the penguins out! Come on penguins. Some cars! They are cars. We taking them… look that way – might be trouble with the airplane and stuck on, in, on the airplane and they couldn’t get out, off the tram and the penguins ‘cause they didn’t want to try land it so they need help. Let’s help them get off the airplane ‘cause this one is very wobbly, yeah, we need just a hot air balloon, yeah.  Can we get the hot air balloon? (J: Yeah) This is the hot air balloon (J: is that a hot air balloon?) yeah. Vvvooowow! Now we just pull  this and we rescue penguins – pull this... now just… look! How about…  let’s sit on bench and see some, some, more airplanes are gonna come
J: yeah?
Elsewhere: shouting
F: oh! Hey! Hear that noise! I can’t hear that noise – that’s a funny noise – hey what’s that noise? He said ‘Hey’ deedah, he said hey…

And lastly on the random front is the picture from Orry's passport. Once again we had to rush to make sure we would get both of the passports in time (US and UK - and yes, he legally needed both to travel, it's a long explanation, just trust me) to go to America for Christmas so once again the passport that will last until 5 years old has a picture from about 5 days old. Classy. And here it is:

That is really something special right there.

So! That's all the random out of the way... how about some updatey type things?!

Well, I guess you could say that Orry was a bit... difficult... at the start. Thankfully he has mellowed out quite a bit but the first few weeks (up until about the first week in America so until he was about 6 or 7 weeks old) he was crying a LOT. He was either asleep or crying, not much in between. There were a few moments of calm from time to time but I felt like I spent most of his awake time just desperately trying to get him to go back to sleep. This had a lot to do, I think, with the fact that he was on antibiotics for the first two weeks of his life 
*side note - the short version of this explanation is this: I am a carrier for a bacterial infection (Group B Strep) that is symptom free in adults but can be fatal to babies. So I was supposed to be given intravenous antibiotics for a minimum of four hours while I was in labour before he was born so that it wouldn't be passed on to him. But I wasn't in labour for four hours full stop. So I wasn't able to get them which meant that there was the potential to pass the infection on to Orry. Because of this we had to stay in hospital to monitor him for any sign of infection. He showed a few signs while in hospital so got a lumbar puncture to test and high doses of three different multi spectrum antibiotics for three days, just in case. The lumbar puncture then came back clear so we were sent home. The next day the midwife who came to our house to check up on us was concerned with some redness around his umbilical cord. I went immediately to A&E and they did a swab of the area and gave me stuff to clean it with. A couple days later I got a call that the swab had come back positive for the bacteria I was carrying and to bring him back in for more antibiotics which we then gave him orally for three times a day for two weeks. It was banana flavoured and is why you might notice his yellow lips in some of the early photos... And then all was fine and dandy!!

EXCEPT that all of the antibiotics destroyed all the good bacteria in his guts as well. So he had horrible issues with digestion and pains and would wake up screaming even just to pass a bit of gas. It was pretty intense and really hard to watch him go through it. I don't know how much we can realistically blame on the antibiotics because he still has really awful guts (lots of gas bubbles and runny poos that NEVER stay in the nappy but CONSTANTLY shoot out the back - seriously. He's gone through 3 outfits today) but they don't make him cry near as much as they used to. Maybe he's just getting used to it or maybe his bacteria is re-growing, I don't know. But it meant that he was crying a lot in the first few weeks and couldn't sleep for any length of time because his belly would wake him up. And he was pooing quite a lot as well and I couldn't leave him in a dirty nappy so I would obviously change them when he pooed, even in the night. Though in the night I wouldn't walk them all the way to the bin - instead I just put them on the floor by the side of the bed to take all at once in the morning. Like so:

I think the record for one night (meaning from 10pm - 6am) was 7 poos. 
So there was a lot of crying at the start and it was a bit stressful. I hit the point where I wasn't coping very well. 
And JUST when I was at a very low low, when Orry turned 1 month old (29th November), he smiled at me for the first time. And all of the sudden everything was fine and all was happy and right with the world. It's amazing what wrongs can be righted by a baby's first grins. 
I grabbed my phone so they aren't the best pictures but here are a couple of his very first smiles. They are brilliant.

But that was the very end of November, so again I'm getting ahead of myself a bit (and ignoring the trip to the Isle of Man that happened in the middle that James is going to talk about later)...

The nighttimes were the worst of course. We tried him in the bedside cot for a bit but I got so tired of getting up and down all night long that it was easier for him to just be in the bed with me. But there wasn't really enough comfortable space for us ALL to be in the bed so poor James got kicked out to the sofabed (though he probably didn't mind since it meant he wasn't woken up all night long and he didn't feel guilty for the late late nights he was putting in to his Manx Literature project - that I'm sure he will mention later).
And Orry came into the bed with me and sometimes actually blissfully slept

Finn was still in Nursery 5 days a week and James dropped him off there at 8 so I would often not even see them off - just try to sleep as far into the day as the two of us possibly could. It wasn't the ideal solution but it worked out for us and everyone ended up getting enough sleep to function again. It was never longer than 2 or 3 hours in a row, but it was something.

The other thing that was extremely difficult was having two of them. I didn't anticipate just how much harder it was going to be.

For the most part Finn is hugely in love with his baby brother and very very proud to be a big brother. He would tell random strangers on the bus that he had a baby brother now and he was a big brother. He would (and still does) randomly give him hugs and kisses and cuddles. He insisted that we make a shirt so that everyone would know that he was a big brother...

He doesn't like to hold him because he is 'too heavy' and 'too hot' but he DOES like to help out in other ways. He loves to help give him a bath and thought it was great to share them with him.

It was lovely to see how gently he would (and still does) use the sponge to clean him. He likes to make him smile and laugh and I have heard him do his best to console him when he starts to cry and I'm not in the room. He is a fantastic big brother and has taken it all in his stride in quite an amazing way.

That being said, Finn hasn't stopped being himself. And Finn is a very demanding self. He likes a lot of attention and it was a bit of a shock when he started not getting as much attention as he had before. Especially from me. All of the sudden it wasn't Mama who read him stories every night, or fed him breakfast every morning... Everything worked smoother if James and I divided the responsibilities and I dealt most with Orry and James dealt most with Finn. It works quite well but Finn needed to get used to it and would sometimes react by being even more clingy and insistent on sharing me than he was before. All of that is to be expected of course but it was still difficult on all of us.

Especially as Orry (like Finn) is not a fan of being put down to nap. And we were at the point that we were all so exhausted that we didn't care about bad habits or anything other than letting poor Orry get some rest. So we (like Finn) hold him while he sleeps during the day. And that means that the boisterous play that Finn is used to is not always possible. And he wasn't happy about that. A lot of 'just put him down now and play with ME' and 'give him to Deedah now.'
But again, all of this was completely to be expected - just made me feel guilty. Luckily Finn definitely errs to the side of happy rather than not. And even when he doesn't seem to be entirely happy that he's not the centre of universe anymore, he's never really taken that out on Orry. He may ask that I put him down sometimes but he has never asked that I take him away. In fact he takes it upon himself to make sure that we're not ever going to leave him behind somewhere or that I 'don't forget Orry!' He seems to be completely on board with the idea that we are a 'whole family' (as he says) now and that Orry is definitely a part of that for better or for worse.  Which I think is more than enough to ask of a three year old and I'm proud of him for it!

That's all I can think of at the moment... I'm sure there's more... but I'm going to leave it there. As always I'm pushed it quite late now and I'm too tired to think about what still needs written much less to write it! So I'm going to let it just peter out...

Though I'll leave with some pictures from the very end of November when we went to see the Christmas tree at James' work and tried to take some pictures of the two of them. It was too dark for anything any good, but it was still fun to try! I do love these two boys. They make my heart swell just looking at them.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Newborn photoshoot pictures

James was wrong - the photoshoot pictures ARE ready... I just forgot that I hadn't posted them anywhere yet... Actually, I should be honest - they are at least as ready as they're going to be any time soon! So some of them have been cropped and edited and some have not. But I might as well put up a collection of my favourites now (both edited and unedited) because it's not likely I'll get around to editing the rest of them any time soon...

(and grandparent's be aware that you'll be getting a set of some of these in the post soon!)

So here they are! I'm currently working on a blog post about November and Orry (since James' one was mostly November and Finn) but that will take a couple days I think. So in the meantime, here are a few of the lovely pictures of Orry as a newborn (which he is decidedly 100% no longer - 15 and a half pounds at his checkup on Wednesday! 95th percentile of fatness!! His fat rolls have rolls...)

But once upon a time, not that many weeks ago, he was tiny and oh so cute. Behold:

(November 6th, 8 days old)

This one is just to show off the amazing sideburns he was born with!! Sadly they have since fallen out...

(November 9th, 11 days old)

This is the one I sent out to my softball team that I played with throughout my pregnancy - and even won a trophy for the most runs scored in the season!!  Orry was my lucky charm I think...

(November 17th, 19 days old)

Friday 9 January 2015

Missed pictures, post-bath silliness, potty-training & Finn's photoshoot

Apologies for the delay in posts - things are moving quickly, which makes it ever-harder to catch up, but we should at least make a start. A good way of doing that is to not build up long blogs, but to just leak them out as they are... so this is what I've managed this evening between put-down-&-tidy-up and the bed-time forced on us by dubiously sleeping children...

Missed-out pictures from the first week of November

We are working on a heap of "Photoshoot" pics of Orry, which means that they are not done yet but will be soon. But as we wait, there are a few nice ones that we missed last time. How little Orry looks in the first week of November...

And, also, one of my favourites - just one of those happy mornings in our first two weeks. Good times.

Finn being silly after a bath

It doesn't add to the story of our family life, but Finn being silly is always worth a few pictures. Here are some of Finn in his usual jolly silliness that follows a bath...
... dancing before getting his clothes on...

... with a nappy for a hat (with very blue eyes, thanks to the flash)...

... as "a beautiful lady"

Potty training

The big thing missing out in the last blog or two, for obvoius reasons, was a story hanging from just before the birth - Finn's "potty training"; moving from nappies to going to the toilet.
Finn needed to get out of nappies because of (a) he's kind of old now, (b) the Big School he's about to go to doesn't accept children who can't go to the toilet on their own, (c) it's not something we wanted to deal with with when we had a baby as well.
So we went "cold turkey" at the end of October, simply not putting him in nappies one Saturday morning and going from there...
This meant not leaving the house for a weekend, a lot of wet trousers, a couple of very messy pants, and a long time sat on the toilet.
We think that Finn was Ready, so I don't think that we can take much credit for how it went, but it went very well indeed - only the first day was a lost cause, by the Sunday we thought that he was getting it, on Monday he wet himself in nursery once, and on Tuesday not at all, and but the next week accidents at nursery had effectively stopped.
Poos were a bit harder to sort out, as Finn was vaguer about them, so that took a little longer, but there were only a couple of accidents after that first week. (Unfortunately one of these was for Anna when she was looking after Finn during the birth).
Whenever a poo accident did occur, Finn got terribly upset, saying "sorry" and crying a lot. One such time it was very touching to see him going quiet and saying that he needed the toilet, before waddling sheepishly to the loo; when I looked in his pants and said "Oh, no," it was as if I'd confirmed his worst fears and he burst into tears and threw his arms around me in sorrow (and probably shame).
We didn't make making a mess a crime - we just made pooing in the loo a Big Deal. This meant a sweet for each wee in the loo, and a little ramekin (which we have lying around and which is perfect for things like this!) of sweets for a poo; and big hugs and congratulations, and walking him through to show off to whichever of us was not the toilet-helper. - All of which was very positive and enjoyable; it was nice to make him feel so happy about something.
One of the other very early bribes/treats was being able to watch Thomas the Tank Engine on the (very new) tablet as he waited for the toilet results...

The picture that I really like but which we will not show you is the one of his poo in the potty (which he only used once of twice, before preferring the loo). It is a bit weird to take a picture of a poo (with Finn in the background looking very pleased with himself), bit it is a very good way to show him that we thought he was ace for doing it, and to show that it was something worth showing off to Cori when she came home!
Other entertainments were required as well for the long haul poos. I particularly liked this game Cori fell into:

For Finn it was also all very new and exciting. We only narrowly avoided having Finn want to be on the toilet all the time - it was only the sweet/treat promise that made him stop, but also just that which often meant that he would sometimes try again very soon after!
One of the things that humoured (and annoyed us) came from the sore bum he got from sitting on the potty for hours. When we put talc on him, or the seat of the potty, since it added up to the same thing, but Finn interpreted this as putting talc in the potty, for him to wee on. He soon took up saying "No, no!" and stopping the pants-down process until we'd put the talc in the potty. Odd. We were glad when he decided that the big toilet was for him only - no talc in there.

The night-time nappies stopped only a fortnight or so after he stopped using them during the day. We realised that they were coming off him dry in the mornings and so it was easy to leave him in his "Big Boy Pants" (as they were called in the transition period) when he fell asleep on the way home or when we ran out of nappies. When they worked one day, we did it the next, and then never stopped.
We have had two wet beds since, but that is it. Both of those have been when we've failed to take him to the loo before bed (when something interrupts the process between going to the loo and going straight to bed).

By the time of our flight to America a couple of weeks before Christmas, it was very strange indeed to put him in pull-up nappies for the very long flight, just in case. But they weren't needed, and very sweaty on his hips, so we left him in normal pants on the very long sleeping flight home and he was completely fine. We felt very proud of him over that!

Final pics, of the Finn family photoshoot...

There's heaps more to say, but it will take days to scribe it out, so I'll publish this now, after the beautiful pictures Finn and I took with the flash during our own private photoshoot (with Finn taking a picture and then dashing round to see the result - a very good game!).