Friday 14 December 2012

14 months old

What?! Monthly update time again?!  Geez that went fast!
But here you go...
We are all off to the Isle of Man tomorrow and I haven't packed yet, so this might be a short one... but I wanted to get it out before we left.

First up, side by side pics:
13 months old
14 months old
So, what have we been up to?  Well, Finn had his first (of many, I'm sure) bout of pink eye (conjunctivitis).

Not only disgusting - but having to put all those drops in his eyes?  Torture.
All better now though.
Finn also got a vomiting stomach bug.  This was also disgusting.  There's nothing quite like clutching a puking kid close to you because you know that it will be easier to wash your clothes than the carpet.  Oh, the glories of motherhood.
All better now though.

We've talked to lots of family over Thanksgiving.  A couple times I tried to change Finn while we talked - but he preferred the 'talking' over the 'changing.'

James brought him home some huge cardboard boxes to play in - the boy does like his boxes!  It was an awful lot of fun... but it took up most of our living room! So that didn't last more than a couple days before I threw them out (James says I'm a mean mother).

Speaking of boxes- as promised, I managed to get a picture of him and a tiny box (or basket as the case may be)!  So funny!

And we've been very arty this month.  Finn helped us to design some original one-of-a-kind Christmas cards:

And as a reward for being extra Christmasy he got to have his first ever Mince Pie!

We also attempted a couple projects.  If you've ever heard of Pinterest, it is an excellent thing on the internet.  It is basically a place for inspiration and projects and instructions and recipes - that sort of thing.  I make a lot of projects off of pinterest, I love it.  Some of them work out really well... some of them do not!  I tried a couple recently that most certainly did not work out!
One of them was this idea:

I love the idea - do a footprint each year on their birthday to see how they grow and have an ongoing artwork.  We did a nice one on canvas when he was born,

so it was time to do the next one.  This was the result:

Turns out a one year old is much harder to get a footprint of then a one day old.  We gave up - that particular artwork is not happening.

Move on to inspiration number two.  This lovely photo:

I got everything all set up and was ready to take gorgeous photos of Finn playing with Christmas lights.  He had other ideas.  He wanted to eat them.

So that didn't work either.
Luckily there was one crafty thing that DID work though.  I made Finn a lovely hat to match his cousins.  It worked out just fine and he seems to like it!

Happy Christmas everyone! 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Finn's life at nursery

It has been a while since we were allowed to take it home for a few days (about a month ago, actually), but I'm sure that many might like to see what's being recorded by the nursery inside the pages of this book:

It is a wonderful thing, with lots of lovely pictures of Finn having fun playing, discovering and making friends at nursery, even from day one... (you can click on the pictures to make them bigger)

I LOVED this page -  Finn head-to-toe in waterproof clothes so he can splash combined with him naked and painting.  This is why nursery is excellent - there's no way we can do this sort of thing at home...

This is another of his favourite things to do - the sand.  However, as much as Finn loves it, I. Hate. Sand.  It goes everywhere!  Unfolding his cuffs when we get home looks like he's brought half the beach with him.  Ah well.  I do love that they don't stop them playing the way they want just because they'll get wet or dirty or something.  So I appreciate that if Finn wants to make full body snow-angels, that's what Finn gets to do.  But still.  The sand!

So far we're only up to September - so in these pictures he had only been in nursery for about a month or so.  But look how happy he is already!  Particularly the one at the top, banging on a tin and the one at the bottom (in the sand again, of course!).  He has so much fun there!
And that's him with Sharon, his keyworker.  We love Sharon.  She is brilliant.  Some of the workers there are a bit too chirppy-cheery-baby-talky but not our Sharon.  She's great with the kids but doesn't talk down to them and is really matter of fact but in a kind and caring way.  And she has a fantastic London accent!  We're hoping Finn can pick up a few phrases :)

That's all so far - as I mentioned we haven't brought it home in a while, so it only goes up to the end of September.  I'll have to have a look and see what's in there now and update you. 
It's obvious that nursery is going really really well though.  He's happy to be dropped off now and doesn't cry when he's left (as long as James does it - when I drop him off I think he gets a bit confused because it's not the routine.  I'm the one that takes him HOME.  So when I walk away he gets upset).  I love picking him up now - so great to have a peep before I come in and see him playing away.  He's got proper friends as well!  Which I think is funny - they seem too little to have friends!  But he's got Abbas who is also an early-morning arriver and they always have big grins when they see each other.  And when I pick him up he's usually playing with Conrad who is a bit older and very quiet - but they seem to really like doing activities together.  There's loads of older children that really enjoy Finn as well.  Sharon (his keyworker) says it's because Finn is so quick to smile and laugh.  So the older children think it's lots of fun to find Finn and be silly so that he laughs at them. And I can confirm that's true - anywhere we go be it the pool, the store, the bus - and Finn will just stare at the other children and laugh at them as soon as they give him a smile or a look.  And the other children have come to recognise me so when I arrive they think it's good fun to take me to Finn.  I think they forget that adults are a lot taller and I can usually SEE him - but I'll pretend that I don't know where he is so they can go find him and then shout "he's here! Over here!" which is always funny.

Overall they are such a happy fun group of kids and adults and it just does me good to know that Finn is in such a warm caring place.  So much so that when we started looking for a new place to live (we're still ok in our current place - but it won't be long where we really really need Finn to have a separate room, so we're looking at two bedrooms) we were adamant that we had to stay close enough that Finn could stay in this nursery.  I'm sure there are many lovely nurseries around but I feel like this one is just such a good fit that I wouldn't dream of putting Finn anywhere else.

Because the posting of Finn's nursery book was so late in coming (and thereby out-of-date), perhaps having the most up-to-date week of daily reports will make up for it, and a very nice week it is too:
Monday 26th November
Finn helped to make a birthday cake for Roman and Jacob’s birthday. He also enjoyed playing the drums, banging on them with a stick.

Tuesday 27th
Finn enjoyed exploring paints with his hands. He made some marks in the paints using cars and dinosaurs.

Wednesday 28th
Finn enjoyed an activity of pushing along large vehicles. He also joined the toddlers’ activity of dancing to music.

Thursday 29th
Finn enjoyed exploring sand using shovels, containers and sand wheels. He enjoyed watching the sand flow through the wheel.

Friday 30th
Finn really enjoyed climbing and sitting inside large cardboard boxes. He also had fun dancing with staff and peers.
And I'll leave you with a picture that's not in his book but I love it!  At the end of the day they put the pictures up from what they did that day - but this one got enlarged and laminated and put out in the reception area (which is why it's not the best quality because it's a phone-picture of a picture...).  It's when they got to explore making marks with flour.  And I love it because it sums Finn up so perfectly.  Note all the other children sitting around the activity, making marks with their fingers... and then there's Finn.  Sprawled smack bang in the middle making as big a mess as possible and loving every second :)