Thursday 26 April 2012

Bonus video!

My sister just gave me this brilliant video of Finn and his cousins in the pool. It's from when we were in America and it was so hot (in March!!!) that we had bathtime outside. They loved it and Finn loved splashing!! Enjoy:

And while I'm on the subject of my sister and her kids, let me share this story she told me from her oldest (at 4) daughter, Dakota:
Today Dakota was eating chicken nuggets in the car and after a few minutes of quiet munching she shouts out...Cori! Cori is Finn's mommy right? We said yes and then tried to question why she thought of you. She said chicken nuggets. I asked if it made her think of eating chicken nuggets while you were here. She replied, "Nooo" like it was the most ridiculous question ever...and then followed up with, "I bited my chicken nuggets and then it just looked like Cori!". I laughed for quite a while, and it still makes me chuckle to think about it.
Just thought you would want to know your niece was thinking of you today

That just makes me laugh a lot and I don't think it will EVER get old!

Sunday 22 April 2012

Focused Finn, Happy Finn, Grumpy Finn, Sad Finn

As I was looking back over the pictures from the past couple of posts (yeah, I do that... even with Finn in front of me I like to look at pictures of him... sad, I know) I noticed that he's not really smiling in most of them.  It gives the impression that he is a very serious baby.

This is NOT true!  He is an ornery, happy, laughy baby... the thing is, when he's concentrating or trying something new, he gets this very serious "focus face."  And, often, we think to take pictures when he's concentrating and trying something new.  So you see the problem in representation!  So this blog will redress that balance with lots of what Finn looks like most of the day (I actually specifically kept the camera out to get some "normal day" shots).

But FIRST! Some more focus face for you - to show you how good he's getting at his new skills!  He's always a bit behind on his gross motor skills - so he still can't sit up on his own or anything - but he's very very in control of his hands.  Here are some videos of us giving him some weird things for him to explore.  It may not look too impressive, but trust me that his hand control is above and beyond :o)

He also is a big fan of playing with the computer. My Mom gave me a link to something called 'Baby Smash' which is a program that locks your computer from any harm being done and instead every key reads out a letter or a shape. Finn LOVES it - which means he can be entertained easily, but also that he thinks he can bang on my laptop whenever he wants... not sure how I feel about that, but here's him having a go:

So that's Focus-Face-Finn.
And as promised here is some happy Finn!

He likes being scared...

And is quite ticklish...

And, just for good measure, here's him laughing in the swing in America...

So he is happy most of the time, but he can also get himself into some proper grumps - particularly if you do something he doesn't want you to do...
This is a video of him rolling, the one major skill that he CAN do.  He can roll over all different directions.  And uses this to get into all sorts of trouble and move into exactly the place I don't want him to go to.  But if you try and make him do it on camera by taking away one of his favourite toys (the amazingly high tech plastic bowl) he gets a bit grumpy....

But what about sad Finn?  Well, we obviously don't often take pictures and videos when he's unhappy.  But I do have one - this is a video of him crying in his sleep.  I don't know what he was dreaming about but it was certainly unhappy!
Please ignore my frizzy hair by the way - it was early in the morning.  Please also ignore my convulsions as I try very very hard not to laugh.  It shouldn't have been funny, but it really was!

Monday 16 April 2012

Food... part 2

I take it all back.

I don't care how much he likes it, Finn doesn't get any more solid food until he is either
a) potty-trained
b) able to change his own nappy

Solid food nappies are disgusting.
Especially since the change has resulted in Finn not pooing for a couple days and then having one enormous, squeezing out every gap, gut-wrenchingly gross, stink out the building, head for the hills poo.

The other day it was so bad I had to turn the shower on and take him in to undress him... then wash the poo off him... then wash the poo off me... then wash the poo off his clothes... then wash the poo off the bathtub.

It was traumatic.  I think I'm scarred for life.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Food, glorious food (6 months old)

April 2nd meant that Finn turned 6 months old!  That's half a year!!  So here is his monthly comparison picture:

5 months old
6 months old

As you might be able to tell he has gotten bigger!  By bigger I mostly mean fatter - he's gaining weight steadily but his length isn't keeping pace.  I think there might be some errors in measurement though because he's supposedly a centimetre shorter than he was two months ago... so either he is shrinking or he was measured wrong.  But this month's (possibly wrong) measurement has him on the 9th percentile for length - a big drop from the 91st percentile measurement of two months ago (which was probably also wrong) and not close to the 75th percentile of his birth and 2 month check (which he held a lot stiller for so I'm going to assume were correct.  Anyway, I stood him up next to another 6 month old baby and they weren't drastically different so I'm going to wait to worry until his next month's measurements to see what is going on...
But his weight is always textbook 50th percentile, right on the line, exactly where he should be, gaining about a pound a month.
Which puts him currently at 17 lbs 9 oz!
This is exactly 10 lbs over his birth weight - which I find amazing seeing as he has had nothing but breastmilk since he was born (what's in that stuff!?)...
until NOW!

The biggest update is that Finn now eats food!
It used to be that you were told to start babies on solids at 4 months.  But in 2003 the World Health Organisation  found that it was healthier to wait until 6 months and the official UK and US recommended age changed accordingly.  Health issues aside, one of the bonuses of waiting until 6 months is that this is also the age when babies are developing the dexterity to bring things to their mouth - meaning they can feed themselves!  Here this is called Baby Led Weaning. Weaning has a different meaning in the UK, here it just means adding solids, not dropping milk feeds. The Baby Led bit is just that - you let the baby decide what they want to eat and how much.  I won't get into all the details here - so if you're curious to know more, have a look at the wikipedia page ( ) which is quite good or this person's site ( ) which has some great pictures.
Basically the idea behind baby led weaning is as follows:
1) the baby is in charge of what/how much they eat
2) they eat the same thing as everyone else, just in sizes that are easier for them to hold (and without salt)
3) you don't put anything into their mouth for them (we cheat on this a bit - if what we're having is really liquidy, like soup, we help him out... but if it's a bit stickier, like humus, we put it on a spoon and let him put the spoon in his mouth)

There are, of course, other options for weaning but this one seemed to fit best with us and so far it has been going very well.
By very well, I mean very VERY well.


At first I think he just liked the fun of putting things in his mouth.  But now (a few weeks into it) he is definitely chewing and swallowing and will show a preference for some foods over others. When we put they tray on his chair he gets very excited.  The only problem is that it can be MESSY! so we have taken to eating in the kitchen because it has the easiest to clean floor.  It's a bit odd, the three of us sitting on the kitchen floor munching our food - but it's quite fun as well.  It really feels like family time and Finn is doing his own thing with us rather than us doing things for him.
So obviously I am now going to do the trademark first-time-parent thing of presenting you all with the glorious Lots of Pictures of the Exact Same Thing!

The first thing Finn ate was broccoli.  Weeeell - to be more precise my parents actually gave him a strawberry and some watermelon first... but that doesn't count because it wasn't 'official' lets-sit-down-and-eat time.  To be fair, I gave him food in that way too... and the first broccoli he had was at a restaurant where he wouldn't stop trying to grab my food so I gave him broccoli to gnaw on... again, we're going to say that doesn't count :)

So we sit Finn down, give him broccoli, and he LOOOOOOVES it.  And loves that we're finally letting him do what he's wanted to do for ages.... but we're so intent on the "OMG look at him eat!" thing that we forgot to take pictures until the end and the lighting etc is awful... (almost all the pics from our kitchen are like that... sorry) but here's his first food and the outcome

He now eats loads of different things...



Avocado... Oranges

Hummus (sometimes he's better with the spoon than others...)
No matter what, eating gets him very excited

It's also worth noting that his first impressions don't mean anything long term.  He loves tomatoes now.  But here is the saga of his first one...

It was quite funny I think you'll agree!!
But as I mentioned, he now LOVES tomatoes.
So what does he like? What doesn't he?
Loves: carrots, cucumber, tomato, beef, turkey, hummus, melon, rice cakes, pea soup
Likes: chicken, pork, parsnips, pears, butternut squash, broccoli, apple, banana, toast, oranges, avocado
Doesn't like: mashed potatoes, stuffing, scrambled eggs, turnips

That's all I can think of at the moment - quite a range already and I can't wait to continue to watch him explore more!

And on that note - it's dinnertime!