Monday 27 February 2012

Watch at your own risk

Firstly, yup - I TOTALLY jinxed myself last week.  Siiiigh.  Maybe I should take it all back. Maybe I am doing something wrong... I just don't quite know what it is or how to fix it...


Very sleepy so not a very long post today.  Just wanted to share Finn's newest noise.  It gives fingernails on the chalkboard a run for their money.
Everyone talks about the pitter-patter of little feet.  No one warns you about this....

(ps - please appreciate James' "longest mobile ever"  he was very proud of it)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

What a difference a week makes...

This next paragraph is SO going to jinx me, I just know it...

First there were still loads of night wakings but he would go into his cot for the beginning of the night.
Then he was in his cot for the whole night but waking up every couple hours.
Then he was in his cot the whole night and only woke up twice.
And then, as of last night, we are back to normal! Woo hoo! went to bed at his normal time, in his cot...  woke up a couple times but got himself back to sleep without our help... woke up fully only once right in the middle of the night when I fed him and he went back to sleep until the morning.
So.  Whatever that hump was, here's hoping we're over it.

In other news, James and I also got some sleep - a full night! On our own!
For my birthday last year, my office got me a voucher for a night away at a B+B.  Unfortunately, I was too scared to leave London in case I went into labour early (if only I knew...).  So I saved it thinking it would be nice to use after the baby arrived so I could have a little break.  I had no idea how long it would take me to feel comfortable leaving him overnight!  Even when the decision had been made and everything booked, I still wasn't sure I wanted to go.  And then he started all this not-sleeping stuff and I was really sure I wasn't going to go.  And then he got a bit better and his grandparents said they didn't mind anyway and it was all back on.  But even then, the Grandparents were in the house, the bags were packed, we were leaving the next day and I was up listing the options to James...(ie. we could give your Dad and Yvonne the room and we stay here...or we could call and book another adjoining room and he could be just next door... or... um... we could just take him with us etc.).  But the next morning, Finn was happy and fine and I took a deep breath and left.
And I'm amazed to say I actually enjoyed myself!  I don't know if I ever stopped the constant worry, but at least it became an undertone instead of an all consuming thought.  We had a really nice time.  We explored a town we'd never been to, had a nice lunch, Thai dinner, couple pints in the pub, lovely long sleep, gorgeous breakfast and a relaxing train journey home.  I almost felt guilty for enjoying the freedom so much! I did miss him though and nearly ran home from the station, but that's to be expected I think... it was good for me to have some time away though.  To relax and take things at their own pace, to SLEEP, but also to recognise that even if it's a bit unrelenting spending all day every day with Finn, I do actually enjoy it and miss him when he's not around.  It's his dimple I think - it holds magical powers of attachment...

But anyway, we are hugely grateful to John and Yvonne for having Finn for us.  As I mentioned, he's only just back to sleeping normally last night... so they were still with Finn's evil twin of awakeness.  They assured us that it was "fine" but I have a feeling it was a very sleepy 'fine' and we are much indebted.  Thank you!!!

So now that things are looking so good and positive, I thought I would share a few instances of Finn having fun! He's got a few new toys and tricks up his sleeve...

First off, he still enjoys rolling over and can now go to either side from his front (though not from his back, yet).
He also enjoys (or tolerates) me taking loads of pictures of him while he does it!!

Because he now likes to sit up so much, we got him a chair (off gumtree!  cheap!).  Like all new things, at first he was a bit concerned as to what we were doing to him... then bemused and confused... and then he quite liked it!

The same sequence occurred when I introduced his other new toy... a door bouncer (from the charity shop! cheap!)
 Finn is such a squirmer that I thought he would love something that encourages him to squirm.  But we haven't got the space for much, so this seems like the perfect solution.  He still hasn't quite got the hang of 'bouncing' per say... but we're getting there!  Here's the first time he tried it out...

A bit concerned...
confused and bemused

Hang on!  You mean it MOVES?!

When we had the airbed out this past weekend, we discovered this gem of a game:

And last but not least it's Finn's new FAVOURITE THING TO DO EVER!!!  He does this all. the. time.  And yet, I still think it's hilarious (mostly.  6:45 - 7:15 this morning, not so much.)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

A small rant and a nice video

This is a bit of a rant... so to compensate I've got a lovely video at the end.  Feel free to skip straight to it if you don't want to hear me whine about annoying strangers with well-meaning "advice."
Honestly, I don't mind :o)

Finn has not been sleeping well for a couple weeks.  As in really really not well.  The only way for him to sleep solidly in the night is if someone is holding him.  If we're not holding him, he wakes up every half hour or so.  Even when I bring him to bed with us which usually works a treat, he whimpers and can't sleep unless one of us either holds him, pats him, or nurses him.  It's not fun and we're all very tired in this house.

So here's my quick rant: I've been told by (more than) a few people that this is our fault because we always go to him when he cries at night.  I wanted to do a whole post about this issue because it drives me crazy.  I wanted to discuss the whole idea of it being "good for a baby to learn that you won't come to them every time it cries" as something that I don't understand why I would want my baby to learn.  Or the fact that "it's important for babies to learn to self soothe" is not considered a fact at all and is mostly a Western idea which parents in many countries would either laugh at or be confused about.  Or maybe I would talk about the fact that I'm a scientifically minded person who doesn't like to take anything as a given without looking into it first (ie: everyone has a list of what pregnant women can and can't eat but when you look into the "why nots" on the matter, it tells a different story).  And studies show that the idea of babies "needing to be taught how to self-soothe" (particularly by letting them cry it out) is not based on any fact (most studies say it is neutral and doesn't harm or benefit, some say that it can be detrimental, and none that I've found show a wholly positive impact).  But I don't want to because it isn't important.  I shouldn't have to explain myself.

I am not a judgemental person.  I totally understand why some people want their babies to be independent early on.  I get why this option works in many situations.  Maybe if I was back in work and needed to be certain that sleep and feeding happened on a schedule I would be more rigorous and harsh with the way I treat naps and bedtime.  I would never say that parents who choose to let their babies cry are "doing something wrong."  In fact, I think it would take something along the lines of feeding an infant Diet Coke instead of milk/formula for me to even enter into a discussion of what is "wrong."  People have to do what is right for them.  What works for their sanity, in their life, with their baby.  Which is what James and I are doing.  So why do people feel the need to make us feel like we're making a huge mistake or that we're doing it wrong?  I know this is our first baby and I know that I've had to ask advice about many things and I'm happy to listen to all the options and research the different theories.  But our jobs as parents is to listen to all that and then make a choice.  It may not be what is best for you but that doesn't make it wrong.  The fact that I will lie in conversations about how he's sleeping so I don't have to be lectured in the supermarket is depressing.  Or to avoid conversations that go along the lines of:
How old is he?
4 months.
Oh, so you've started sleep training him then?
No, we decided not to.
Oh God!  You must be up all night!  Aren't you exhausted?
Not really, he needs some help getting to sleep but once he's down he's pretty good.
Oh that's not going to last!  He needs to fall asleep ON HIS OWN!  You need sleep too, you know.
But we're getting sleep...
Whatever, I suppose it's your choice.  But it's just a rod for your own back.

Why do people want to make parenting choices so divisive?  Breast versus bottle.  Solids versus purees. You let the baby sleep in your bed?? OMG!  You put the baby in an entirely different room?? OMG!  You use cloth? Hippie.  You use disposable? Lazy.  You know that pacifiers are a godsend/evil/not for use past 4 months/ok until 3 years, right?  And people ask why I don't like going to "mummy meet-ups" or "coffee mornings."  There's a fine line between advise and judgement.

Unfortunately none of the people who have made me so frustrated of late read my blog (I don't think).  So this isn't really for any purpose than for me to rant a bit!  (did I mention I was tired?  I might also be a bit grouchy on account of a recent interaction at the weighing drop-in...).  So there really is no point in justifying myself.  But I do feel a bit better getting it all out!  And while I'm at it, I would like to add the following facts into the equation:
1) Finn has been a bad sleeper for 2 weeks (2!). He was a brilliant sleeper for many weeks before that (ie: sleeping 12 hours with only one waking to eat and then go back to sleep)
2) these two weeks have coincided with his immunisation shots as well as teething
3) teething.  did I mention that?
4) we live in a flat with relatively thin walls
5) we do give him the opportunity to fall back asleep on his own if he's only half awake whining or whimpering and sometimes he can do it.  We only step in when it escalates to crying and it's obvious that he's completely woken himself up
6) He's gone through phases of bad sleep before and eventually sorted himself out again.
7) I did mention the teething right?

In other words:  Yes. We go to him when he cries at night.  We help him to fall asleep.  If he's really upset, sometimes I will even let him (gasp!) nurse to sleep.  And that is right for us.  Lately he seems to be uncomfortable and extra clingy, so we are responding accordingly even if it means less sleep for us.  And that is right for us.  Yes, it is tiring, yes, it can be frustrating, yes, it can be overwhelming.

But that doesn't make it wrong.

WHEW!  Glad I got that out!  Now, as promised here is a lovely happy video of a giggly Finn.  Sometimes I'm amazed and what he finds funny.  You can sing and dance like a maniac and get absolutely no response... or you could simply wiggle your eyebrows and blink really fast and it's the funniest thing he's ever seen...

Tuesday 7 February 2012

It's all GO, GO, GO! (aka: a Frenzy of Firsts)

So the last post was all about how he wasn't quite reaching the milestones that we expected him to.  Well, that's all changed.  We went for ages with very little, and now have had lots of 'firsts' all in a row!

Before I get into the update though, February 2nd meant that Finn turned four months old!  Yay!  So here is his new photo update next to his old one:

3 months old
4 months old

(yes, some of Finn's clothes have pink in them.  Some of them might have even come from the 'girl side' of the store... what about it?!)
(actually, a LOT of Finn's clothes are currently pink... but that's more to do with a recent laundry accident than anything else...) 
(I should do all my tangential train-of-thoughts this way... I like it!)

I took him to be weighed on Friday and he currently tips the scale at 15 lbs 7 oz.  Which isn't too big though his size is one thing that many people comment on when they first meet him.  He's also very long though - 66 cm (26 in) which is apparently in the 91st percentile...
I happen to think that 15 lbs 7 oz is extremely heavy (even if it's only in the 50th %tile), but then again I'm the one carrying him around all day!

So what has changed since we last spoke (see how I keep the tone light and conversational!?) ? 

First number 1)
I'll start with the most boring one.  This is actually a first for me, not Finn... Before Finn was born I got a few different kinds of nappies so we could figure out what kind we liked.  But we've liked the prefolds so much I haven't really tried the others.  And I've had this stack of beautiful old school terry squares just sitting there... but I didn't know how to use them.  So yesterday I sat there with a naked baby, youtube videos, and printed instructions on the different ways to fold them up (hard to believe that women used to just be taught this stuff as a given - now I've got to spend ages working it out!). After quite a few failed attempts, I finally managed to get one on him that didn't look like I scrunched up an old towel between his legs!  So I took a picture (as you do).  So here is Finn's first folded cloth nappy! (please do forgive me for being so ridiculously pleased with myself...)
Terry Square Success!
On to more important news...

First number 2)
Finn can hold his head up!  Really really well!!  On Saturday we put him on his tummy ready for the fight against the flail and he just lifted his head like he'd been doing it all his life.  I know it's not really a 'first' since he'd sort of done it before... but it's now consistent and perfect.  Here's a picture (which is also of one of his funnier faces)
It's not the best picture though, so yesterday I was trying to take another one and failed.  Mostly because of

First number 3)
He can roll over!  I put him down on his tummy and he immediately flipped himself back over again.  I thought I'd done it accidentally so I tried again and again he flipped over.  So, I grabbed the video camera, turned it on, and put Finn on his tummy... and he slammed his face into the floor and wailed for awhile (I won't embed that video, but if you want to break your heart by watching/listening to Finn hurt himself, it's here: )
That sort of cancelled tummy time for a bit, but we tried again this morning (with more padding under the blanket!) and here's the result:

I also tried again to get cute head holding up pictures but he seems to enjoy rolling so much that there's just a lot of blurry action shots...

But look how pleased he is with himself waiting for me to let go! 

So that's a big skill gained!
But what else can he do I hear you ask!

First number 4)
He's working out cause and effect - also known as: he's just figured out that he can splash!  Much to our (messy) amusement...

(yes, we use a storage box instead of a baby bath... what about it!?  At least this way we still have something useful when he grows out of it...)

In other firsts...

First number 5)
It snowed!  And so we took a walk...
Finn's first snow!
He was a bit bemused...
We didn't stay out for long though because Finn has been REALLY grumpy lately.  At first we thought it was because of his jabs last week.  But then the crying, not sleeping, and overall touchiness just didn't stop... we couldn't figure out what was wrong until this weekend when Finn was chewing my finger and I felt it...

First number 6)
Finn's got TEETH!
I know, I can hardly believe it myself.  It seems way early so we didn't even think it was a possibility but the books say it's hereditary and mom says my teeth came early as well so there you go!  Yesterday they finally broke through the surface so we're hoping his mood improves significantly (please!please! last night he was waking up crying every 45 minutes...), but they're only just out so there might be a while yet.  They may be small but they are sharp!  And I often forget about them when he starts chomping on my fingers... I don't forget for long!
So here they are, ladies and gentlemen....
Finn's first teeth at four months old