Monday 8 February 2016

December: London & Isle of Man: Ferris Wheels, Bones, Wrens etc.

I'm not nearly as good with monthly updates as I used to be. The few hours I get in an evening have become precious, precious things. And it often doesn't cross my mind to use them to blog. James has been doing most of them as well because at least he can sit down and focus - I always have the fear that I'm going to be going back and forth to Orry endlessly.

But anyway! Here is what we got up to in December! First, the monthly pictures:

13 months old
14 months old

50 months old (4 years 2 months)
51 months old (4 years, 3 months)

And here is a nice little progression of a typical exchange between the two of them:

And on to the updates. December was mostly about Christmas, of course, but we did do other things! First up, Orry had an update allergy appointment. I was very excited for all the things we were going to be able to eat again once we found out his allergies were gone. It didn't work that way. Most everything is still there. Dairy and eggs he might still grow out of in a few years but the nuts are likely here to stay. Here's his poor arm after the testing (they put a bit of the stuff on his arm, then prick it to break the skin, then measure how big a red bump he gets).

But it wasn't all bad news. The beginning of December we had a family adventure day which was quite fun. We decided that before we put up our own tree, we would go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree there. So we went to see the tree, then went in to the Crypt under St. Martin's next door (that was the major selling point to Finn, that it was in a crypt - he's a bit obsessed with death these days) to have some lunch and mince pies, then we went in to the National Gallery to look at the art. We gave Finn a 'hunt' to do to see what he could find.

That last one was a suggestion of Finns, of course. He really is quite obsessed with death. He and James once played a game where they took turns drinking something and dying and the other would weep about it. Then they would wake up and the other would drink the stuff and die. Very Odd. It is part of a bigger obsession with the body and what's inside as well. He loves bones and guts and brains and germs and all that sort of stuff. And death is just a part of it - it just happens to be a rather disturbing part!

These two pictures are of us when we set out on our journey. There is an electrical box near our flat that Finn has decided is a tea machine. He can't go past it without making tea for everyone (and pushing the sugar button repeatedly).

On the way home from our art adventure we walked through Leicester Square and happened upon their winter market and fair. There was a small Ferris Wheel there that Finn really wanted to ride on. We got lots of money for Finn's birthday but he doesn't really need any toys - so we have it as a fund so that we can say 'yes' to things more often. And this was one of those times! James stayed down with Orry but Finn and I had a ride and Finn was full of gleeful joy over it. It was actually pretty high when you got to the top and it really was fun.

And then we put our Christmas tree up and created our Christmas cards!

There was lots of general silliness from the boys:

And some of the Christmas festivities started to happen. I got a couple rare nights out which were amazing and Finn's nursery had a party with real live reindeer! It was one of the most stressful things I've ever been to actually - his nursery was packed with all the children and their parents and they were doing food for the kids and pass the parcel and the noise and the stress was awful. Especially because Orry had been out of nursery for a few days with conjunctivitis so they originally said he couldn't come. But then it was decided that he could come but that I couldn't put him down in case he touched something/someone. He, obviously, was not happy with this plan. So it was stress city. But Finn liked it! They had a raffle of various things and we stayed for that. Finn was initially very very excited, but that dwindled as his name was never called. As it got to the end, I was fed up with Orry so we decided just to leave - and as we're getting our hats on and heading out, one of the workers comes out to catch us because Finn's name came up. He was very excited to choose what he wanted from what was left - but because it was the very end, there was very little left. One thing was this box of 'relaxing spa' and he went with that. In it was a bath bomb, some bath salts, a scented candle, an eye mask and a couple lavender lotions (that we later saw had expired in 2009 - who knows how many times this box was re-gifted!). A couple days later, I got him all set up to have a relaxing bath. We lit the candle and put the bath salts in and he got in the bath with his eye mask on and sighed over how relaxing it was (it was all I could do not to bust out laughing!). Then after his bath we used the lavender lotion and he got his pyjamas on, sighing all the while. It was brilliant. Every now and then he asks if he can do some more relaxing and it all comes out again. As raffle gifts go, I think he ended up liking it!

We then had our own little Christmas the day before we flew to the Isle of Man

Orry got into the swing of things, enjoying his new presents immediately, dancing to his record player, and certainly wanting more presents to open...

It's probably worth noting that that last video shows off one of Orry's favourite things from December (the most favourite being the word "Wow" clearly). He discovered that he could nod and related it to people asking questions. So he figured out what tone of voice meant you were being asked a question - and responded by nodding. It meant that you could ask him anything and he would gleefully nod at you. Lot's of "am I your favourite parent?" and "is Finn a bit silly?" sort of questions :)
But before we had our Christmas we had Finn do his Christmas shopping. We went to the charity shop and he chose one thing for each person on his list. They were some pretty atrocious things but it was the thought and the choosing that was important. While we were there, talking about buying presents for people we care about, Finn randomly picked up a cut glass milk jug thing and said "I think I should get this for the lady that says hi to me after nursery! She would like to have a present I think." This lady is called Mary. Mary lives near the nursery and is apparently suffering from dementia so she walks in a loop around the neighbourhood talking to the people she meets before she sets off on the loop again. She is often around when Finn leaves nursery and he always gives her a hug and says hello. I hadn't even thought of her for days, nor mentioned her when Finn decided she needed a present. He is such a kind, caring boy. He wrapped it up for her and was very excited to give it to her. We had to wait around until she came past on one of her loops so he could give it to her. I think she was rather baffled by it all, bless her. I'm not sure she quite knew what was going on but she thanked him and put it in the bag that hangs off her walker. But it didn't matter if she realised it or not - Finn was so pleased and happy to give her a present. It made my heart swell.

Lastly, before we get to the Isle of Man, we got an opportunity to sit and watch Finn's dance lesson. It wasn't a performance per say - rather that the last 15 minutes of the class the parents could come into the studio and watch. I do normally watch the lesson through the cracks in the pretend wall that divides the studio from the waiting area but we made a big deal out of this, and James came as well and Finn was really super proud and show-offy about his dancing (which is not really dancing... more 'creative movement' I would say!) which was fun to see. Orry loved it as well and was desperate to get up and dance himself! It's now a problem in dance lessons because Orry now knows where the door is and as soon as the music starts he really REALLY wants to be in there!

But anyway! On to the Isle of Man! We spent quite a long time there (the 22nd to the 7th) and it was really lovely. It's always so nice to be there and so nice to have family all around. Especially for Finn who simply adores his cousins. He also clearly loves being somewhere with lots of new toys!

We spent a lot of happy time just hanging out in the flat that we stay at while we're there

Here are a couple of us that Finn took when he was experimenting with the camera - I like them!

All those fun times led to some deep sleep - and waking up with some excellent bedhead!!

But we didn't just stay in all the time - we did some fun stuff around as well! We took a walk through a glen that that been decorated with Christmas lights...

We went up to see a Neolithic burial site and down to see the sea. (Actually, both of these times I stayed in the car with a sleeping Orry... but James, Granny and Finn got to see these things!

We played out on  the beach, drawing a pirate ship in the sand and playing around on it until it started to 'sink' with the rising tide and we all had to retreat to the crow's nest until we managed to draw a little rescue boat... it was really a lovely game and we all enjoyed it, in spite of the blustery cold winds!

And one of the greatest adventures which was Finn's first go at ice skating! Finn is not a one for new experiences so it took a looooooong time to get him actually on the ice and trying it out. Which he did eventually! It made us so proud to see him conquering a fear like that. It was lovely to watch.

We went to see Sleeping Beauty the Panto and it was great fun! Even Orry loved it - just sitting there staring in bafflement about what on earth was going on!

We also had lots of time to visit with family, both in our flat when they would come to see us, but also we spent a lot of time at Granny's house - which pleased Finn hugely, especially when he got to help make a gingerbread reindeer!

And then, of course, there was Christmas!

Father Christmas brought Finn a tent and Orry a bag of play balls - together they were LOADS of fun!!

As mentioned before, Finn is currently a bit obsessed with what is going on inside his body - so he got lots of relevant toys! Including, from Heidi, a skeleton puppet. Which then became his 'baby' for the rest of the holiday. I can't believe we don't have a picture of it because it was truly odd - Finn pushing around a lovely pink pram with his baby inside who happened to be a creepy skeleton! It was even worse at night when he slept cuddled up to it - because the skeleton glowed in the dark. So you would pop your head in to check on Finn and there would be this glowing skull beside him. So strange...
I printed out and laminated the skeleton that we use at work to talk about burials - you match the letters up to put it together. Finn was rather pleased to see that it was just the same size as him!

But the number one best thing about Christmas Day is the MEAL!!! Delicious and fun.

The following day we took part in the Manx tradition of 'hunting the wren' which basically meant we went outside and danced around a bit! It was lots of fun, even if Finn did insist on he and I having our own little twosome circle to dance, rather than he joining in the whole...

It really was a fun time. But the whole trip was a fun time! Though we had different definitions of 'Fun' - I could have stayed in this window watching the waves crashing into the wall for ages.

But Orry could have stayed in the shower for eons, just rearranging things and doing stuff he wasn't meant to be doing...

And that's where December ends! Our trip carried on for quite a bit longer - but that's for the January Blog :)