Thursday 11 June 2020

May 26 - 31: River building & fishing

I'm not going to try to put things in days this week, so here are things we did...

Oshin enjoyed bubbles - something we've not really done with him before, but which he adores:

After collecting an enormous rock on the weekend, Orry decorated it true to how he saw it - as a baby:

Very strange!

The stickers came out of a box and the boys have been enjoying making crazy things with them, including these baffling things for Caitlin's birthday:

Oshin continues to wear his brothers' pants over his clothes at every opportunity, the odd-ball:

The seaweed we got in Maughold was finally sorted from its pot and the boys enjoyed looking into it:

A bit of the school work was looking into weights, trying to understand how grams relate to kilograms etc., and Cori did a good test of having them line up the things from our cupboards in the weight order:

As you'll have seen from the second picture, it was rather a tricky subject!

Thursday was good weather so Cori and the kids decamped to the beach:

Oshin had a real ice-cream in a cone, though he obviously wasn't too sure how that licking thing works...!

When there, they also took the opportunity to make a little film about what they'd learnt about seaweed:

Tiring stuff!

Finn & Orry made an ace thing out of Duplo, and so borrowed my phone to capture it, taking lots of pictures as they did so:

In my work I've been working to make available a series of Manx song instructions, which we were inspired to try to learn over meals - going well so far, and Orry is by far the best learner (of the words, anyway) of all of us:

Cori tried to make another film for my work, about the White Line on Peel Castle, only to discover that the idea that it was an accurate sundial proved to seemingly be a fiction, as the thing failed to deliver at all what we'd be led to believe - so she spent an hour and more out by the castle for no reason. It was sunny though, so it wasn't all bad!

In fact, it was so sunny, that Cori returned and then took the kids to the beach, where they had a great time:

Did you see Oshin in that last picture? - See if you can spot him, and imagine the horror Cori felt at looking up and (not) seeing him hiding in that hole!
I joined them on the beach after my work, and I was pleased to meet lots of friends down there who we'd not seen in ages. Finn too was delighted to see a friend from Douglas he'd not seen since the closure of the schools. It was even so popular on the beach that the Ramsey cousins were there, we were delighted to discover!

Saturday we knew was going to be good weather, so we made good on a plan I'd had but failed to achieve last year - to go and spend a good few hours building things in a river. We went up to Druidale with granny and had a lovely time, and the boys enjoyed it immensely:

It was also nice to get a quick sight of a Round Mound up there:

I managed to get a tick from the outing, but Cori at one point had tens of the things on her arm, probably from putting her hand in a nest or the like. She survived with just one bite though, which gave an opportunity to get out the digital microscope, to horrifying effect:

And that was only a thing that size (ringed by the impression of the microscope pushed on her arm moments before!):

Oshin is funny:

Pictures of the same silly boy:

We even treated ourselves to a fish & chips dinner on Saturday - the first in a long time!

Sunday was also lovely, so I went out rock-pooling with Finn & Orry as Oshin napped. It was lovely:

As you see from that last picture, we were successful in our hunt for life in the pools:

Finn did a very good job at catching the fish and swiftly getting them into the container. And once we'd had a good look at them, Orry was excellent and very slowly lowering the container in to submerge in the water and let the fish swim away. I was very proud of them both.
Then we had an exciting walk back, scaling a terrifying peak (apparently in the Himalaya, inspired by the book we're reading - The Atom Chasers in Tibet), and then taking advantage of the low tide to walk around the end of the harbour:

After lunch, we finally made it out on our actual plan for our Sunday - a bike ride. First, though we had to collect the bikes from our friends up the hill, which was lovely also. Then we were off to Archallagan, where we'd been recommended:

I actual fact, we all hated the track we went on, with it difficult, narrow and rather frightening wobbly on our bikes for two through the trees. We were glad to find one of the main roads through and take that back!

And thus ended May - time goes so fast!

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